What's really going on backstage


so hard to let go-----Again!

" Forget the Former Things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? " -Isaiah 43:18-19

It's crazy how the internet and facebook allows you to live in the past, but I am really desiring to take an assessment of the now.

He is right I did hurt him as well. He was the only one that I was the most faithful to and he kept disapointing me and letting me down. How much could I take? Sometimes I wonder what things would have been like if I stood in Sac and allowed him to explain the night Kjersti and I confronted him. But I didn't. I was just too tired. They tried making it work but it ended just like I know him and Ky will. But just like he did when I was with KP and Mk I must back off.

I want to tell him, come on, let's not waste anymore time without being in each other's lives. But the truth is you can't pour new wine into old wineskins. I am different than the girl he once knew and I don't ever want to be her again.

I am glad that he is not alone, running around in bars and what not. She seems like a good woman and maybe they will last. Maybe he will eventually come to Christ through her. Regardless of how I feel about it, God is merciful. Even though they are not living according to God's word but yet she claims Christ hardcore. Maybe Immorality isn't any different than any other sin. I just don't understand how you go through the religiosity of it and yet pollute your soul in that way. When I tried doing that it ate me up to pieces and the darkness did not allow me to even smile anymore.

Regardless of it all, my journey is about making it to heaven and helping others do the same. God has poured so much and invested so much in me, what am I doing with it?

Oh SS, I do love you with all my heart but what can I say we are from different sides of the tracks. You are living your Country Family Life and I'm living my City Single Life. How could they ever coincide? Especially since kids are involved? I wish we could be together for once but I know are time has past and we have our responsibilites. It's not just about what we want.

10:52 a.m. - 2011-08-23


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