What's really going on backstage


poem: because you asked.

This weekend has been so revealing
it's truly exposed what I've been feeling
the mixture of self-denial
and self containment
how long can I frame a face and
how long can I walk along pretending
there is no love song between us
no orchestral symphony
when it cascades all around me
down to my fingertips
and I have to make sure I don't have
any heart slips or eating
more of my share of the pie
Me and You
and I know we can fly higher than the sky
but we've go to keep that even keel
gotta contain all that I feel
into this tupperware
that's about to burst
just go along as rehearsed
encourage and inspire
meanwhile your calling me higher
and higher and I want to do the same
for the glory of his name
this isn't a game, yet so much fun
it's just hard when you haven't even begun
I know your my friend as I am yours
the best of both worlds who can ask for more but my question is how can I possibly say no to others knocking at my door and I am not yet taken, let there
be no mistake and I know where my heart belongs yet I give of my friendship not to be misconcepted or misconstrewd because God is sovereign and maybe has a different plan for me and you
Maybe I'm scared of what God can do, maybe I'm afraid of my heart getting taken away from you
But it wants to leap and not be kept in a jar, I know your that rockstar and I'm your tiny dancer on the other end calling, riding waves, free falling
but don't forget to wear your life jacket
where is the fun in that
we want it all in tact
yet we want to have fun
I ask question and each answer is a re-run
is it supposed to be like this
or is it that bus we've missed
and I'm so sick of the subject of age
wasn't it so much better
when the candles weren't on the page
and maybe I'm rushing but I don't think so, I mean not one of your creations are on for show as tempting as it may be I have to be real as to who you really are to me
my brother in christ, my buddy, my bff
I just don't want my heart to get ahead of me and it's taking off. Why is that bad? Because I know what's on the other end? I'm sure of it I want to be more than just your friend.

- 2009-10-05


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